• Bullet Journal 2020 

    a BuJo all in black and white this year.


    This year I choose to do a Black and White Bullet Journal. Last year I did one with colors but it wasn't cool because i needed a lot of supplies to do it when I wasn't home.

    The first thing to do before starting is to plan what you want and what you need in your bullet journal.  For this first step, I usualy draw the collection's page I need to keep this year and I organize them.

    You can see on the left all the pages I need this year. First my key, then the year overview, my calendex, my memory page with one picture per month, my professional calendex, then my timetable, the next two pages will be about Health, then I will have two pages for birthdays and gifts idea, after that there I will do my wish list page and two more pages to track the movies and TV shows I want to watch and the books I want to read, my last collection's page will be about my contact list.


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  • For better year

    you need goals


    A bullet journal can help you to organize your life, it's a planner, a diary and so much more. What is really cool when you do a bullet journal is that you can track everything you want or need, even your life goals!

    To start my bullet journal for 2020, I choose to think about what I want for this new year. What I want to do more and what I want to stop. This year I want to be more productive. I want to do all the things I love but never have time to do. And to be more productive, I also need a Healthy life.

    Thinking about all of that, I choose to create a page about that at the beginning of my Bullet. I think it will helps me to keep my goals in mind when I will do my monthly and weekly spreads.

    How to begin the year with a Bullet Journal

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